best degrees to study ?Careers and Bachelor's degrees

Monday, October 14, 2019


If you are looking for information about different university degrees to choose your future profession, you are in the right place. Here we have complete profiles of all the careers and degrees that are taught in Mexico , from technical options or TSU, engineering to degrees. Read on to learn a lot more about it.

What career to study?

Choosing a career is probably one of the most important decisions of your life so far. By choosing a career you will be opting for many things that will significantly impact your life in the short, medium and long term . Well, when selecting a vocation you will also choose a series of universities, the knowledge and subjects you want to accredit, the perspective of the world you want to adopt. But also a range of work and daily activities and also an approximate salary level. That is to say, when choosing a career you will be choosing to a large extent your adult life.
Of course, you can always change your mind , study another career or work in something different from what you studied, it is not a super strict topic for you to stress either. Instead, consider that it is a subject that requires your reflection, take it as a process of self-knowledge, in which you will take charge of your life, which can give you great personal satisfaction. 
As you will see below, there are certain reasons that motivate hundreds of students to choose a degree or engineering, the most popular in Mexico are: monetary remuneration and the duration of the degree.

The Best Paid Careers

The monetary issue will always be important when making this decision, because in the end, studying a career always involves an investment of money (either for you or your parents) and time; because classes, assignments, social service, professional practices and certification procedures require at least 4 years of your life.
If this is what worries you, we invite you to read a little more about it in our Top  10 best careers to study in Mexico.
We quickly tell you that in general, the highest paid careers in Mexico according to the OCC employment platform are:
  • Software Engineering
  • Systems engineering
  • Chemical
  • Manufacturing Engineering
  • Finance and Economics
  • Transport services
  • Medicine
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Architecture.
The salaries of these careers range from 16,000 to 32,000 pesos per month. 
As you can see, the highest paid careers are engineering, chemical life sciences and physics-mathematics sciences. 

The Shortest Careers

As we already mentioned, studying a career involves a great investment of your time, since you will have to dedicate several hours of your day for several years to finish your career.
If you are a full-time student and have the support of your parents or someone else, surely you will not mind delaying. On the other hand, if you study and work, or have responsibilities at home that prevent you from being away from home for many days, it is likely that you are looking for a short career that allows you to access better job opportunities.
Here we mention which are the shortest careers you can study in Mexico. 
  • Web development
  • Marketing Manager
  • Visualization and Data Management
  • Mobile application development
  • Financial administration
  • Social media manager
Short careers are generally related to the digital world and new technologies . To study these careers it is not necessary to study for 4 years, but you can take courses of 1 or 2 years that will allow you to quickly employ yourself.
Another option if you do not have much time to study is to choose a technical career that will allow you to complete your training in less than 4 years, and some also have the option of extending your studies to obtain a bachelor's degree.
If you already know what elements you are going to consider when choosing your career, we suggest you review all the career profiles related to the area that interests you. For this you can browse the classified listings of races that we have created for you. Just decide which area interests you and review all the options you have available. You can also choose to view only technical careers